Strong Angel III – Interview with Ambassador Daniel Stauffacher

Daniel Stauffacher

I recorded this conversation after dinner with Ambassador Daniel Stauffacher, Chairperson of the ICT4Peace Foundation today, who is a fellow participant at SA III. I first met Daniel in Geneva last week, when I visited him to explore possibilities for collaboration and exploration in the theory and practice of ICT4Peace between my own work in Sri Lanka and that of the ICT4Peace Foundation in Switzerland.

Daniel, during the course of the conversation, critiqued SA III and said that greater emphasis should have been placed on locating the pandemic scenario in a context sans the infrastructure and levels of stability and calm that governed the scenario in San Diego (or any first world city for that matter). However, he recognised the deep impression SA III had made in exposing technologies that could be used in humanitarian aid and more importantly, people who could champion ICT4Peace.

He also spoke of the need for practice to inform policy, but also on the need to concentrate on how policy could inform better practice in the field. This symbiosis he said was central to the strengthening of humanitarian aid and peacebuilding through the use of technology.

Listen to the full conversation, from one of the most senior and experienced international diplomats present at SA III, here. Always the diplomat, Daniel’s constructive criticism and analysis of SA III are useful not just for the participants who were part of the exercise, but for anyone interested in humanitarian systems design.

It is a silent testimony to German engineering that this recording took place on a busy highway driving back to our hotel after dinner in a Mercedes S500 the good Ambassador had been loaned by a friend of his. If only all technology was as sublime as driving or being driven in one.