Net neutrality and Internet QoS in Sri Lanka redux

Lirneasia's post on Net Neutrality by Chanuka Wattegama stimulated a lot of debate on the pros and cons of net neutrality from a Sri Lankan perspective. In Net Neutrality: Economics and implications for ICT4Peace and ODR I fleshed out some of the implications of Net Neutrality, and Chanuka's stance on it, for web and internet traffic related to … Continue reading Net neutrality and Internet QoS in Sri Lanka redux

Net Neutrality: Economics and implications for ICT4Peace and ODR

A post on Lirneasia prompted some thought on the linkages between Net Neutrality and peacebuilding, especially the use of the web and Internet for conflict transformation. Lirneasia's post deals with Obama's and McCain's stance on the issue of Net Neutrality, with Chanuka making the point that while theoretically desirable, Net Neutrality has its own significant … Continue reading Net Neutrality: Economics and implications for ICT4Peace and ODR