Reactions of Sinhala bloggers to Tissainayagam’s sentence

J.S. Tissainayagam
J.S. Tissainayagam

Ajith P. Perera’s Dare to be Different blog has an excellent overview of the Sinhala blogging community’s reactions to the sentencing of journalist J.S. Tissainayagam.

It’s heartening to note the far more nuanced, creative and defiant approach to the sentence in the Sinhala blogosphere as opposed to the fear, self-censorship and outright subservience that frames and undergirds most mainstream Sinhala media coverage.

2 thoughts on “Reactions of Sinhala bloggers to Tissainayagam’s sentence

  1. If a butterfly flapping its wings in China can start a storm in South America, perhaps these ripples will grow

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